Living in a city on the river, the concrete and steel structures of urban living rise along the winding path of the Mississippi. Transforming discarded cardboard and other cast-off materials into recycled landscapes emphasizes the delicate balance between urban industry and bucolic nature.
A white plain devoid of life. Spontaneous color splashes and intricate markings reveal abstract fields growing in a desolate region.
Water's beauty in a fading puddle on well-traveled pavement. Shifting forms on a rusting metal wall. Drenching rain on a summer night. These are my watermarks.
Creations born from an impulsive need for playtime. Constructed from well-used drop-cloths, acrylic plaint, and found objects, these unique stuffed entities make me smile whenever I spot one.
I grew up in a small rural community in Minnesota. When I was young, I spied art everywhere; clouds became faces and animals, grain silo silhouettes turned into skyscrapers, and that pile of smoldering trash at the city dump - where my dad would take my sister and me for a picker’s holiday - was a strange and colorful mountain with rising mist . . . if you squinted.
I return to themes of chance encounters. The progression of construction dictates my path. While I gravitate towards earthtones, vibrant colors reflect the energy that builds during my construction. My art ranges from representational to abstract, and it frequently takes the form of a landscape.
I am a mixed media artist with a background in graphic design. I use paint, watercolor, crayons, pen and ink, as well as found objects. With a diverse range of materials I construct layers and textures that become my art.